Monday, 29 June 2015

Learning to love yourself.

Trust me, I am no expert on the topic of  'loving' or even liking yourself but I got to a point in my life where I was so tired of criticising everything I did and putting myself down. For the past couple of weeks I feel like I have really tried to turn things around I can see the positive change that's happened in my life recently. Okay so I'm far from being at the point where I can say that I love myself but slowly I can feel myself changing and being more positive about my flaws and my body and turning what I dislike into something I can develop and change for the better. I've never been the most confident I've always had very little confidence in fact. I didn't want to become someone who was too overly confident but I hoped eventually I would turn into someone that's perfectly okay with who they are. Being positive isn't always easy, but you've literally got to put yourself in a new frame of mind, empty out all the negitivity in your brain and try and fill them with happy thoughts. I've been choosing happiness a lot recently and it's made life a lot easier.
I thought I would share with you a few ways that have helped me personally with learning to like myself.

  • Care less about what people think of you, don't stop caring but don't care too much. People will always have their own thoughts about you but don't let their opinions of you define yourself. 
  • 'Me time' Take a break, hang out with yourself and sometimes you discover things about yourself that you never knew
  • Choose happiness - Choose the way you learn to cope with things I'm not saying you always have to be happy, It's healthy to be sad sometimes but don't let the little pointless things stress you out 
  • Comparing yourself to others is the worst thing you can do, I've spent my whole life doing it. It's great to admire other people's qualities but don't obsess over what other people have and what you don't have. You are you, everyone is made differently we can never be anybody else and I think the sooner we accept that the sooner we'll start accepting ourselves
  • Life is too bloody short to waste your time hating yourself when you could be doing so many other more important things. We'll always have something we don't like about ourselves but either do something to change that or we just have to accept that we have to sometimes live with what we don't like. Days go by way too quickly, Imagine being 90 and regretting every single moment you spent hating yourself and because of a result of that you lived an unhappy life. We only live once surly we should make that as happy as possible. 
I know it can be so hard to accept who you are and to like your Image but I think it's so sad that many of us spend times wishing we were someone else. But it just takes time, learn to be your own friend rather than your own enemy. 



  1. I love this post!! I think you said everything so perfectly! It's so easy to get caught up in others and how amazing their lives may look that we don't really think about how everyone goes through their own struggles. We look out our own lives and we wonder why they aren't as perfect as other people's seem but we never know how "perfect" their lives actually are. Like you said it's important to not waste your time comparing yourself to others or trying to change yourself because of it. I think that it's better to just live your life your way and let change happen because it's what you want to do not because it's what you think you should do. I'll love the message of your post. I hope you have a lovely day <3


  2. I love this post!! :) I made a similar one some months ago. I believe that it is so important to spread this message. It is such a simple thing but so hard to do. But little changes can do a lot.

    Cylia <3

  3. What a lovely post! I think I need to stop caring about what others think. Hopefully I'll get get there one day!

  4. this is such a lovely idea for a post and some good advice! I've nominated you for the versatile blogger award if you want to have a look!


    1. I'll take a little look, thank you so much!! X

  5. Love this post<3 thanks for sharing I really needed this for today, I hope you don't mind me bookmarking it i'd like to look back at this for the future:)
    follow for follow?:)


  6. Thank you for this even me i suffer luck of self love but slowly working on that, lovely post.

  7. Such a lovely, positive post. Although I'm generally a happy person and try to surround myself with as much good energy as possible I really do lack in self confidence. Some days I'm accepting and some times I am really cruel to myself. It is hard, but I'm hoping that one day I can see myself in a different light xx

  8. This is such a lovely and inspiring post :) I'm trying really hard to stop comparing myself to other people as it brings me down so much.
    Love Holly x

  9. Love this post! It's so important for us to realise we're in control of our own happiness a lot more than we think we are x

  10. Lovely post! Posts like these are a great way to remind ourselves how to be happy and at peace with ourselves :D

    Julia xx
    | |

  11. You are so right! I especially agree with the 'stop comparing yourself to others' part. My God, I've been doing this for so long and it took me nowhere. It made me cry at night like a little baby cause my life's so miserable and X's life is marvellous. Wrong! It's you who creates your life. I told myself I have to change the things I dislike about my life and so I started actually doing something yay. I've wasted way too much time. To end it positively, I really enjoyed reading this post. :)


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