Hey all!
Firstly I would like to apologise for slacking a LOT on this blog. I feel like I've been focussing on Instagram and various other things that 'Coffee At Midnight' had slowly been abandoned. But I'm determined to get back into a blogging routine! And as the end of the year is fastly approaching (Which I still can't believe) I wanted to make a few changes coming into 2016.
Photography is something that I've been focussing a lot more on recently, there's so many photo's that I've got saved and I feel like it's a bit of a waste If I don't share them. I mean of course I'm really no professional but it's something that I learn about more and more and fall in love with it more each day. I love being creative and I love how the impact of taking photo's helps you to see the beauty in things that others might walk by and not think a thing about it.
I'm a little sad that Christmas is over, although I'm excited for the new year to start. Every year I make so many resolutions and fail at them each time so this year the only resolution that I've made is to be happy. I've spent so much of my life not so much being 'sad' but I know I definitely have not been one of those 'happy' people haha!
Hope you all had a good Christmas, are you making any resolutions?