Saturday, 13 February 2016

How I edit my photo's.

Hey all!
One of the main questions I get asked especially on instagram is 'how do you edit your photo's?' so I thought it would be better to explain in a blog post for anyone who is interested.
You don't always have to use an expensive program to edit, I know many people use 'Photo shop' or 'lightroom' which I'm starting to look into but that's because I've been involved with photography for a long time and wanted to get more experience into editing. But if your a beginner or somebody looking for the easier options I really recommend 'Picassa' which you can download on your laptop for free which has been something I've used ever since I started editing photo's.
I then also use two apps on my phone called Deluxe FX or Aferlight which are both great. With Afterlight you may have to pay a bit extra to get some more effects but you hardly have to pay anything and it's always worth getting the extra good edits. But they are both pretty similar with just the odd few different touches to them. Definitely my favourite photo editing apps.

Before I edit on any program I use a couple of settings on my DSLR. I currently have a Canon 700D and use a 60mm Macro lens which I absolutely love. Firstly I always set it onto 'manual' settings because I love the option of you choosing your own settings for the photo instead of having it set automatically. I then also set it to F.2 and set the colour tone to a bit more of a purple/blue shade and then of course I'll set the lighting settings depending on what the light is like. That's pretty much the basics of how I edit my photo's. Let me know if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.


  1. Thanks for your advice, I really need to improve on my photo editing :)

    Lauren x |

  2. Your photos always look so stunning! I love them! Em xx

  3. Love this post a lot, thanks for sharing! I really like your blog, let me know if you would like to follow each other!


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