For a long time now I have been searching for many things, one of which is love and romance. I’m 21 and honestly have never had a boyfriend before and sometimes I feel quite ashamed and embarrassed at the fact that I have never been in any sort of relationship. I’m at a point in my life now where most people I know my age have been in long term relationships, have babies or are even getting married and there’s me not even had a boyfriend yet. Sometimes it can be awkward and people are a bit taken back at people who have never had a boyfriend before at my age which then makes you feel pressured to try and find someone.
Which then leads me to the feeling of being pressured. Sometimes people do things because other people are doing them and they don’t want to be the only person that’s not doing the same thing. Especially When your a teenager there’s a lot of pressure to be in a relationship, people will be in one even if they don’t want to be in one just to they ‘fit’ in. I honestly think that if it wasn’t for the ‘pressure’ to find someone I wouldn’t have been so determined to try and find a boyfriend. People are ready to make that commitment at different times, not everyone is the same.
I’ve never been the one to just go for anybody so I can say that I have a boyfriend I personally don’t want to jump from one to another. If it means I have to wait a little longer than most people then I’ll have to wait I know the right guy will come along when the time is right. Right now I’m not giving up on trying to FIND LOVE
but I’m just not going to go searching or I’m not going to wish every day that I had one and I’m not going to be in one just because everybody else is. I need time for myself, I need to focus on me, I like my own company as well as other people’s company. I need to start trusting people more and letting people in, I need to let other people in my ‘bubble’.

If your in the same situation as me, try and not feel so pressured into being in a relationship. If your fine being on your own focus on yourself, your career, your friends and family. Someone will come along. I’m not saying just stop looking all together but make sure you focus on other things too.