It's the morning after of one of the best days I've ever had and my whole body is painful with aching bones and pulled muscles from standing up in the same spot for what 8/9 hours? Sunday 6th July me and my friend went to the hyde park show where McBusted were headlining there were also acts such as Diversity, Scouting for girls, The Vamps and The Backstreet Boys who were all amazing and really entertaining. You know that feeling when you go to a concert which has been incredible and your still buzzing about it 2 months onwards? I feel like this is going to be one of those, because right now all I want is to go back to yesterday. During some points of the day I had those moments when I felt like I had enough because I just couldn't see myself standing there for that many hours when the sun was shining brightly burning the back of my neck and shoulders. I also stupidly didn't have much to eat before the doors opened (a packet of crisps) so spent the whole day with a rumbling stomach and just wanting food but I didn't really let that stop me from having a good time.

I really enjoyed every band who played on that stage, Diversity was the only group I hadn't seen perform live before so it was a cool experience to see them perform. The trouble is because I'm really small I always seem to get tall people in front of me so there were times when I couldn't really see anything but people in the audience were constantly moving around so at some points I had good views. We had pretty good weather throughout the show up until The Backstreet boys came on then the rain started to come down HEAVILY the stormy/sunny sky was absolutely beautiful. The colours kept changing and when McBusted came on during one of their songs there was a stunning double rainbow against an orangey sky and it was just amazing to see, at that point I wish I had taken my better camera!
The Backstreet boys had finished I felt a bit awkward because I honestly don't know many of their songs so I couldn't sing along to them like everybody else but they were great!
The worst parts of the show was waiting in between for the bands to come on as sometimes we had to wait almost an hour.

But then it was McBusted time, for anyone who knows me they know how much I adore those boys. McFly have been a band I've grown up with for 10 years and I just couldn't love them any more than I do. Busted have also been a band that I have always loved, I never got to see them live when I was younger and never thought I would be able to see them, little did I know that I eventually would get to see them 3 times and joined up with my favourite band which is a bonus. The countless times I've seen McFly they just get better and better with every show and I always know what to expect because they always put on an amazing show. The two hours that they were on flew by and before I knew it the ending came in sight. The ending just sort of blew me away if I'm honest, the atmosphere was insane. Confetti coming down almost like it was coming from the sky was beautiful and then the fireworks right at the end was just amazing, and honestly got me a little bit emotional.
All in all the whole Hyde Park show was just so much fun, as much as my body feels dead now it was all worth it and I know it'll be an experience that I will never forget! (Scroll down if you'd like to see more pictures) :)
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