Beauty -
I don't have a lot of "new" favourites from July and I don't want to keep writing about the same prdoducts over and over. But these two are some things that I have been loving! First of is the 'Lip Lustre' lip gloss which I have done a small review in a previous blog post about it. I bought it a couple weeks ago and have been using it most days. This is definitely something you could use if you want to go for the more natural look.
Please excuse the messy cover haha! Now I never use powder but recently it's been something that I have preferred using over foundation. Especially in the summer where I try to not use a lot of Make up on my face I tend to want to keep it as natural looking as I can in this hot/sweaty weather. I absolutely love the Brand 'Collection' and I actually got this powder quite a long time ago but suddenly only just starting to use it but it's definitely something I recommend to use if your looking for a good powder!
This month I have been listening to Ingrid Michaelson a lot! I only discovered her this month but she has such a beautiful, calming voice.
I have also been loving The 1975 lately!
I honestly listen to Taylor Swift a LOT haha, but Speak Now is an album that I just really love and has got to be my favourite one of Taylor's so I find that on repeat quite a bit! :)

Tv Show
I have recently become a little obsessed with Catfish, ever since I found out about it a couple months ago I have been hooked. I
find it's just such an interesting and eye opening show and I always like to see how the stories end up.
Not many 'new' favourites this month, but these are things that I have been loving! What have you been loving this month? Hope you had a great weekend!
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