Hey all!
I've recently noticed that this is my 100th post! Blogging has become something I love doing in my spare time and it's definitely something I would like to do more of. I'm no expert with this blogging world just yet but I thought as this was my 100th post I would share some useful blogging tips for anyone who is wanting to start a blog or if you are wondering just how to get your blog out there a bit more.
For me and I think this is the same situation as a lot of other people one of the hardest things is getting your blog 'out there'. The blogging community has grown massively which is great! But also makes it a little harder to get your blog noticed. One thing you should keep in mind is that your blog isn't going to get a lot of views or comments over night, it takes time, patience and dedication but if you keep with it then slowly you'll start to see it all pay off.
Post Ideas
Believe it or not sometimes one of the hardest things about blogging is coming up with things to post about. Of course a lot of the time they'll be lots of ideas that come straight to you but other times you'll be wanting to post but nothing is coming into mind and your just staring at blank page wondering what to write.
So it's always good to jot some ideas down before hand on what you would like to post about, you'll also be able to find lots of 'writers block' posts that actually give you some topics to write about if your completely stuck.
Quality & creative pictures
Try and make sure that your pictures are the best quality they can be. This doesn't mean that you have to buy an expensive camera just for blogging, there's plenty of good compact cameras that have good image qualities. But using phone pictures (unless of course it's a great quality camera) probably isn't the best idea.
Pictures are what catches people's eyes and makes them want to look around some more. You don't have to be a professional photographer or even good at photography, just be as creative and as fun as you can with your pictures.
Taking pictures for my blog is one of my favourite things about blogging, I love getting creative with backgrounds and effects.
Get yourself out there
Like I mentioned before the blogging community is big! Spend some time searching around blogs. One of the main things that help you get more noticed is by commenting on other people's blogs but you have to be careful not to be that person who 'spams'! It's so much better finding a blog that your interested in or a post that you really liked and comment something related to that post, then it's always good to leave a link to your blog after that comment. That's one way I find a lot of people's blogs is by looking in the comment section and taking a look at different blogs.
Be unique
They'll be lots of reviews on the same product so try and review something that not many people are reviewing in that moment time. Try and make your posts different from the rest and make them stand out so that people will want to read them. If you want to review the same thing that every body is raving about at that moment maybe wait till that's died down and then sneak one back in so that everybody is reminded how good or bad that product is.
Be honest and real
People go to your blog to find out more about YOU and YOUR opinions. Be truthful. If your doing reviews or if you write about other things don't pretended to be interested in a topic just so you think it may get more views. Write about what you want, write about something your truly passionate about.
Have fun with it!
Lastly you chose to blog because you think it'll be something you'll enjoy doing, make sure that you do it because you love doing it and it's something that you feel passionate about. If it starts to become something you dread dojng or something you don't enjoy doing any more maybe take a little break then come back to it and see what happens from there.
Templates keep it simple
For me personally I like templates being simple, I'm not too keen on ones that are too 'in your face' less is more. Choose colours that represent you and your personality and Make sure that your text is easy to read.
I advise you to first start of with a free template, blogger itself offers a great variety of different layouts and templates. Then if you feel like blogging will be worth it and once your used to everything there's lots of sites where you can buy and download some really pretty templates.
And that's that! As I say I'm not a blogger expert but I feel like these are the main things that I have learnt in the blogging world so far and wanted to pass these tips on to any one who needs them.
Have fun blogging!
Great post and really helpful tips!
Thank you, glad you found it helpful! :) x
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips. I'm trying to restart my blog and you've given a lot of tips that are going to help me