Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Travelling favourites Part One

Following up from my last post which was a post about places that I'd love to visit to I thought I should also share with you my two most favourite places that I've visited. I've been so lucky to travel to quite a few different places and some of those I have fallen in love with. Travelling is my favourite thing to do and It's something that I would love to do a lot more of.


Last summer I travelled to the beautiful Island 'Santorini' after having watched one of my favourite films 'The sisterhood of the travelling pants' It became a place that one day I would have to visit. The whole island is filled with beautifully unique houses painted with different colours and each house you approach has it's own original gate. It's defintely one of the most romantic of places I have been to so if your looking for a place to go to with your other half then this is somewhere I would defitnely recommend.  But it is also a great place to go to with your friends and family. I can't fault this Island, every where you turn people are taking pictures, brides are there in their gorgeous wedding dresses husbands are there in their handsome suits posing for wedding photo's. I cannot tell you how many brides and grooms we saw each day! I just can't express how much I loved staying here even though we were there for three days It was such a relaxing and beautiful place to be. 

One of the main tourist attractions was the sunset, people would queue for absolutely ages just to get a good view of the sunset, it felt like queing for a show I had never seen anything like it. 

This queue went on and on until we finally got to a place where we could see the sun set. If you ever go they say the best place is to go to the castle and see it. 

If you would like to hear more about Santorini I did make a post on it a little while ago feel free to take a read. https://itsbryonysblog.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=L1zd4UsBAAA.sW1VUwHg4VsPeLyxUNq37g.s7ep0Ibtjb8q2X2bvW40gA&postId=778804799011000814&type=POST


Iceland is one of the cutest little places I have ever visited which is funny because I am no good with cold weather, I hate it. But as long as you dress up decently warm and in cosey clothing then you should be absolutely fine. We stayed in a well known place called Reykjavik. There's so many great places you can visit while in Iceland It's a great place for if you love exploring and hiking and just adventuirng round the country side. We went to see the Northern Lights which me and my mum have always wanted to do. So one night we went on a trip, we left at about 9pm and waited for our tour guide to pick us up he drove us around the town a little bit until it was time to find a place where we could see the lights. Usually the best time to see them is between 10pm to midnight. I think we waited around for about an hour and half in the cold but let me tell you this it was to me absolutely worth it. Although we didn't see a lot of the Northern lights we saw enough and It was one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed. It just reminded me how incredible this planet earth is. We did take some pictures but we didn't have the best camera and so the quality of the pictures arnen't good at all but I wanted to add them in this post to show you because It's one of those things that I will always remember. 

It's a real shame that I didn't own my DLSR camera back then I think this was 2013. But even by this blury picture I think you can have some idea on how amazing it is to witness something like this. I also witnessed seeing my first shooting star because we spent many hours looking up at the sky.

We also saw some colours of Red and Yellow in the sky but unfortunately didn't have the camera out at that point. 


  1. Gorgeous pictures! I've been to Greece before but not that Island, sounds lovely!
    I think it would be absolutely incredible to see the Northern Lights!

  2. Aw, I hope you get to go some day because it's amazing! :)


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