Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Counting down the days...

Morning everyone! 
I can't believe that it's actually December already, this year has flown by and I'm sure that as each year passes they go quicker and quicker! So it has already reached December month, my favourite month of the year (I wonder why). Yes, I am a Christmas lover, everything about Christmas excites me the lights, the carols, the films, spending time with family. A lot of my favourite memories have come from spending time with family over Christmas. 
I find that as each Christmas passes and another one arrives there's never usually something that I desperately want, I just let people buy me whatever they think I may like because after all It's not about the presents. Although having said that one of my favourite things to do is buy presents for people whether it's Christmas presents, birthday presents or just gifts in general I love the feeling of buying something for somebody. 
Something I am most looking forward to is just spending time with my family and relatives. I realise that those moments are precious because as time has gone on we have lost some special people to us. It started of having all our family around where there would be a lot of us about 10 and more, but now sadly the number has gone down. It's brought us closer together and we appreciate each other. 
So Christmas for me isn't about the presents It's about the laughter, the smiles and making memories. 

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