Saturday, 6 December 2014

Photographs & Memories

One of my all time favourite things that have been invented on this earth are camera's, I love the way we can capture a special moment and have that memory in a photo forever. Photography has always been a favourite hobby of mine and is something that I would love to pursue as a career. I always find myself looking back on photo's, smiling and re living those moments and remembering those great times.
For my 21st birthday my mum and dad made me a 'Book of memories' which had photo's from the past and cute little things that they wrote, things that my friends made me or things which I created when I was little and they stuck all of those on each different pages. They did this for my brother and sister too. I thought it was such a sweet and creative idea and It's something that I would absolutely love to do for when I may have kids in the future. So I thought I would just share a couple of those moments/photo's with you in this post. These pictures aren't in the best quality although most of them are pretty old anyway! I'll let you in a little secret, I took photo's of these photo's because I haven't managed to find out how to work our scanner yet!

The older photo of me funnily enough wasn't when I was 21 I think I was actually around 17/18 at that time. My image/look has changed a lot throughout the years I have grown up, I have always looked younger than I am and have always sort of had that 'baby face' haha.

The first page is about the day I was born. 

Me and my brother

My sister and I 

This is probably one of my favourite photo's (Me and mum)

One of the things I most remember about my childhood is going down to my grand parents house In Doncaster. They had one of the most beautiful houses I have ever been in, with the biggest garden so we would always run around and play games. They even had a stream at the end of the garden where we would have picnics, go fishing or we would just relax and have fun.

A very realistic drawing that I did of myself!

Our trip to Disney land, I don't remember much I think it rained a lot! But one of the main things I would love to do is go back there again.

Me and my lovely Grandad.

Cross eyed much? haha. Me and my nan or (nanny) as I've always called her. We've always been really close.

A trip to The Isle Of Weight 

So those are just a few things that were in the pages, I thought this would be a fun post to do as I love looking back on my childhood and going through photo's and just reminiscing. :)

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