I can't believe how quickly Christmas is approaching us, it's almost here! I've seen 'The Christmas Tag' floating around quite a bit and so as someone who absolutely loves this time of year I wanted to do it myself, even though I personally haven't been tagged but it looked like fun!
What's your favourite Christmas movie?
The Polar Express! I just really love that film. Elf is also another favourite of mine I just find it hilarious and I adore Will ferell. Oh and also The Holiday and Love Actually!

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve?
Ah, never! We always open our presents around late morning/lunchtime depends on how long it takes for everybody to get ready!
3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I have many! Before some of my relatives passed away we would spend Christmas in my grand parents house in Doncaster and they had one of the nicest houses I have ever been to (We were so sad when they sold it!). But we had quite a big family so we would all go down to theirs and just generally have a good time with each other. Since the numbers of our family have sadly gone down we usually now just take turns to have it at each others houses either in Doncaster or Switzerland, or of course my home town. But I think one of my favourite memories which isn't actually a particular one is just getting to spend time with family and making lots of little memories.
4. Favourite festive food?
Definitely Christmas dinner! I love those little sausages and just pouring lots of gravy on me food! And of course anything chocolaty!
5. Favourite Christmas Gift?
Hmm, If I'm honest I don't think I have a certain favourite gift I usually love the gifts that I get given.
6. Favourite Christmas scent?
Oh Gosh, just anything that has a cinnomen scent to it I absolutely love that smell!
7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
We definitely did have a tradition when we were all younger, me and my siblings/cousins would go and sit by the chimney and tell Santa what we would like for Christmas. We also go on walks on Christmas eve!
8. What tops your tree?
It's actually different each year, sometimes we put a star on top or sometimes we'll put an angel on top.
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
I don't think there was anything really crazy that I asked for? Maybe there was, but I can't really remember. Although I was desperate for a hamster when I was younger (honestly still would like one now) But I think that's as 'wild' as it got.

But look how cute they are!
10. what's the best part about Christmas for you?
Definitely just getting to spend time with family and relatives who we don't get to see a lot over the year, catching up and just having a good time!
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